New Covenant Community Church

Monthly News Letter

The Messenger – February 2023 Edition

by | Feb 8, 2023 | Newsletters

February 2023 Newsletter

Here is the February edition of The Messenger.  This month the newsletter includes information about:

  • upcoming events that will center on saying good-bye to our dear friend and pastor, Rev. Tom Ulrich
  • updates on a mission project that is near and dear to our hearts, because Julie Roth, the woman killed in the December 23rd, turnpike accident, was an extended-family member of the Roth family
  • and, a vision of ways to fellowship with one another throughout 2023.

February Newsletter

February’s newsletter outlines ways to get involved at NCCC.

January Newsletter

The January Newsletter has 2025 calendars for the Faith Innovation Team and Mission Committee.

December Newsletter

The December newsletter includes dates of musical guests and special services, including our first Blue Christmas service.

November Newsletter

During this season of Thanksgiving, here is the November newsletter.

October Newsletter

The October newsletter is full of lots of things are happening at the end of September and October.