April Newsletter
The April edition of The Messenger, has information about an upcoming congregational meeting, you won’t want to miss.
Announcements for Easter Sunday
Announcements for Easter Sunday at NCCC.
The Messenger – February 2023 Edition
This month’s edition of The Messenger includes fellowship, mission and Bible study updates.
Welcome To Your Local Community Church!
New Covenant Community Church in Akron, Ohio is an inclusive community of faith, joyously called to serve God by loving our neighbors and caring for all God’s creation. We seek to be actively involved in our community. locally and globally. and to demonstrate a climate of acceptance. love. and tolerance, so that we may celebrate God’s unity in the midst of human diversity. We invite you to worship with us. to serve with us. and to rejoice with us. as we share God’s love with the world.
Latest Sermons
Christmas Eve Service 2022
May Advent’s gifts of hope, peace, joy, and love be magnified among you as we celebrate the birth of the Christ Child, during this Christmas Eve service.
Isaiah’s Advent Poetry: Peace – 12/4/22
Rev. Tom Ulrich focuses on being part of the process for peace this advent season.
Contributing to the Cause – 11.13.22
Rev. Tom Ulrich looks at the importance of giving.
Join us at our next Comunity Event!
Past Events
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