April Newsletter
This month’s newsletter includes our Holy Week schedule, our missions update, and some area events.
Fifth Sunday in Lent – April 3, 2022
Pastor Tom Ulrich focuses on, “The Problems that Jesus Causes.”
Third Sunday of Lent
Pastor Tom Ulrich teaches on, “The Gospel of the Second Chance.”
Welcome To Your Local Community Church!
New Covenant Community Church in Akron, Ohio is an inclusive community of faith, joyously called to serve God by loving our neighbors and caring for all God’s creation. We seek to be actively involved in our community. locally and globally. and to demonstrate a climate of acceptance. love. and tolerance, so that we may celebrate God’s unity in the midst of human diversity. We invite you to worship with us. to serve with us. and to rejoice with us. as we share God’s love with the world.
Latest Sermons
Palm Sunday – 3/28/21
During this service we will share a virtual Procession of Palms. which will be led by Jake Bryson’s expertise on the tuba.
“When Jesus Arrives” – 3/7/21
On the third Sunday in Lent, our service will be enhanced by a choral version of the Lord’s Prayer sung in Swahili by gifted vocalists from across the globe.
Maladjustment and the Messiah – 2/28/21
As we worship together on this Second Sunday in Lent, you are invited to follow along with the liturgy, and celebrate the Lenten season with the sacrament of communion .
Join us at our next Comunity Event!
Past Events
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Pastor’s Column
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