New Covenant Community Church

Latest Past Events

Firestone Park Presbyterian Church 275 S. Firestone Blvd., Akron

Olivia Roberts will perform works by Mozart, Beethoven & Cesti, along with musical theatre selections from "She Loves Me", "Les Miserable", and more.


Welcome Back Picnic

NCCC Lawn 1587 West Exchange St., Akron

Provided - Burgers, buns, condiments, iced tea, water, plates, napkins and eating utensils
Needed - Side dishes (baked beans, salads, deviled eggs, fruit/veggie trays…), chips or desserts.
Questions - Please call/email Susie Stevenor or Nancy Williams.
Please sign up before June 20
Please bring ideas of social events you want to do as we reconnect with one another.


Fathers’ Day

Happy Fathers Day Wishing all of our dads a Happy Fathers' Day.