13th Annual AAIC Hunger Walk
Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron 3300 Morewood Road, Akron, OH, United States100% of the money raised for this event will go directly to the Akron Canton Regional Foodbank.
100% of the money raised for this event will go directly to the Akron Canton Regional Foodbank.
NCCC is hosting the Ohio Primary Elections for Precincts Akron 4-F, 4-N, 4-O
The first Sunday in October is World Communion Sunday, which celebrates our oneness in Christ with all our brothers and sisters around the world.
FIT will meet 10/13 at North Springfield Presbyterian Church at 6 pm
Looking for a safe way to enjoy Halloween. Come to our Trunk-or-Treat.
NCCC is set to be a polling place for the General Election.
Wear your t-shirt to support Hunger Walk walkers.
Grab your eclipse glasses and a lawn chair, then come watch the solar eclipse on the church lawn.
What better place to see this heavenly sight?
Bring some toilet paper to church June 30th. It's all part of a collection for Christ Woodland Food Pantry.