New Covenant Community Church

Monthly News Letter

Announcements for 1/22/23

by | Jan 25, 2023 | Newsletters

The deadline to RSVP for Tom’s party is fast approaching.  Please, turn in your response card, or respond to this email, or leave a note on my desk, so we can have the proper headcount.  If you have any questions, please call the office.  You have until Thursday to let me know.

For more information, and to lear how we are helping the family of the pregnant mother, who was killed in the multi-vehicle accident on the Ohio toll road, two days before Christmas click on the Announcements for 1/22/23.

February Newsletter

February’s newsletter outlines ways to get involved at NCCC.

January Newsletter

The January Newsletter has 2025 calendars for the Faith Innovation Team and Mission Committee.

December Newsletter

The December newsletter includes dates of musical guests and special services, including our first Blue Christmas service.

November Newsletter

During this season of Thanksgiving, here is the November newsletter.

October Newsletter

The October newsletter is full of lots of things are happening at the end of September and October.